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Privacy Policy
Government Bids and Contracts Services, Inc. and its subsidiary companies respect the privacy rights of our online visitors and recognize the importance of protecting the information collected about you. We have adopted a corporate wide Online Privacy Policy that guides how we collect, store and use the information you provide online.

By using this site, you signify your assent to the Government Bids and Contracts Services, Inc. Online Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use any Government Bids and Contracts Services, Inc. site. We reserve the right to make changes in this policy at any time. Please check the policy each time you use our web site to ensure you are aware of any changes in our privacy practices.

Information Collected

Government Bids and Contracts Services will only collect and use personal information in accordance with this privacy policy to the extent deemed reasonably necessary to serve our legitimate business purposes, and we will maintain appropriate safeguards to ensure the security, integrity, accuracy and privacy of the information you have provided.

Personal information is information that identifies you and may be used to contact you on-line or off-line. Government Bids and Contracts Services, Inc. collects personal information from our online visitors during registration for membership on our sites or when you order products or subscriptions from us online, or when you request services from third party service providers on our site or through the use of our software or online services.

Information collected will vary depending upon the activity and may include your name, e-mail address, phone number, mobile number, home address, and credit card information. In addition, we may collect demographic information such as gender, zip code, information about your computer, hardware, software, platform, media, Internet IP address and connection, information about online activity such as feature usage, user rankings and click paths and other data that you may provide. We may combine demographic information with personal information. Prize winners may also be required to provide Social Security or Social Identification Number for tax purposes.

We do not require personal information to obtain access to any of our sites; however, you will not be able to access areas that require registration. Whatever the purpose may be, we will only collect information to the extent reasonably necessary to fulfill your requests and our legitimate business objectives.

Government Bids and Contracts Services also maintains log files which contain Internet Protocol ("IP") addresses. An IP address is a numeric address that is assigned to your computer by your Internet Service Provider. In general, we only use log files to monitor traffic on our Web sites, to troubleshoot technical problems. IP addresses and console IDs may be linked to personal information.

Use of the Information

The information collected by Government Bids and Contracts Services is used for sending notifications and other related information to you and for providing follow-ups as part of the service you subscribe. We will also alert you to new products, features and enhancements; special offers; upgrade opportunities; and contests and events of interest.

We may send emails that may contain information regarding third-party products or services; however, this doesn't mean that we've traded your personal information to any party. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings at any point by notifying us.
We will not release your personal data to anyone else without your consent, except to enforce legal rights and the law, or when we have reason to believe that a disclosure is necessary to address potential or actual injury or interference with our rights, property, operations, users or others who may be harmed or may suffer loss or damage. We may disclose personal information in the event of a dispute.

Update or Removal of Information

You decide to discontinue your subscription or receiving our information and communications from us at any time. If you wish to update your personal information maintained by Government Bids and Contracts Services, Inc. or deactivate or remove your account(s) from our mailing list, please email the customer service. We will be happy to review, update the information as appropriate. We may still retain your information in our files however, to resolve disputes, enforce our user agreement, and due to technical and legal requirements and constraints related to the security, integrity and operation of our websites.

Third Party Sites

Please note that this policy applies only to sites maintained by Government Bids and Contracts Services, Inc. or its subsidiaries, and not to web sites maintained by other companies or organizations to which we link.
If you click on a link to a third party site, you will leave the Government Bids and Contracts Services, Inc. site you are visiting and go to the site you selected. Because we cannot control the activities of third parties, we are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites, and we do not guarantee that they will adhere to the same privacy and security practices as Government Bids and Contracts Services, Inc. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these linked sites, as their Privacy Policy may differ from ours.


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